Bursitis Shoulder Knoxville TN

Bursitis Shoulder

When the bursae in your shoulder becomes inflamed or irritated it is known as Bursitis of the shoulder. Bursae are small liquid sacs that act as cushions between the joints. Bursitis of the shoulder can cause discomfort or pain. Our innovative care strategies at Tennessee Sports Medicine will help you find quick relief.


Damage to the bursae often occurs when doing something in repetition, when blunt damage occurs, or from an extreme sudden movement. The older a person becomes the more their tendons begin to deteriorate and cannot bear the same stress or flexibility and are more likely to tear. If you have a job or play a sport that can cause the overuse of the joint you may increase the risk of getting Bursitis shoulder. Things such as working around the house outside, or doing fixing things inside the house could become more dangerous with time. Sports such as baseball, golf, and tennis can also lead to complications with shoulder bursitis, as well as a lack of stretching properly before an extreme activity.

Sometimes a joint may be abnormal or not positioned properly. Things such as arthritis can also irritate the bursae causing bursitis of the shoulder. Reactions to medication may sometimes alleviate pain but you should always consult your doctor for the correct prescription. Taking unknown medication may increase the risk of pain or other side-effects. In some instances, infections have been known to lead to bursitis of the shoulder.

Typical Treatment

There are multiple ways to treat shoulder bursitis. The first step to take is to avoid any activities that could irritate the shoulder joint. If you have Bursitis shoulder, it is important to use ice for swelling and to give the injury time to heal. There may also be medications you can get at your local pharmacy. If you do not feel improvement in one week make sure to contact your doctor.

It may also be possible for your doctor to prescribe drugs to reduce pain and swelling to the affected area. Different types of steroids are commonly used to combat irritation and pain in the joint. Steroids can be injected multiple times into the affected area. Side-effects from steroid usage may vary depending on the number injections or by variables within your biology. Another option is physical therapy that uses many different exercises and motions to regain comfort in the joint. It is uncommon for shoulder bursitis to lead to surgery however it does remain an option if other methods of treatment do not show improvement. Our trained physical therapists are dedicated to helping you achieve a pain-free life.

How To Prevent It

One way to combat bursitis before it occurs is to exercise and slowly build up your strength and tolerance of the shoulder. If you experience any pain while exercising, cease what you are doing immediately. It is critical to build slowly.

Although you cannot necessarily prevent bursitis from occurring, it is possible to reduce the risk that you expose your joints to. Make sure while working you use padding to cushion heavy loads and always bend and lift correctly. Carrying heavy loads for an extended period can cause irritation to the bursae in the shoulder and cause shoulder bursitis. Instead, try other options such as working with a partner or using wheels to move objects. Make sure to be somewhat active as sitting for extended periods can lead to problems, especially if the surface is uncomfortable. Maintaining a healthy weight is also very important in taking care of your bursae. The more excess weight one has the more work the joints have to do, causing stress. Having a light exercise schedule can make all the difference in maintaining your joint care. Confirm your appointment today and get started on the right track toward returning to the sport you love!