Metatarsalgia Knoxville TN


What is Metatarsalgia?

This is a painful disorder that affects the joints and bones along with the ball of the foot. This condition is often caused by ill-fitting footwear or restrictive footwear. Orthotics are usually recommended to help reduce pain caused by metatarsalgia. Our innovative care strategies at Tennessee Sports Medicine will help you find quick relief.

Physical Therapy for Metatarsalgia

In spite of the wide range of possible causes for foot and ankle pain, as listed above, your physical therapist will be able to get you on the road to recovery. Your physical therapy regimen for foot and ankle pain will involve some or all of the following:

  • Pain management: Physical therapy has many treatments available to reduce pain and swelling in your feet and ankles. This can include ice, heat, taping, massage, ultrasound treatments and specific exercises. Your therapist will also teach you ways to avoid or modify your daily activities to speed up the healing process.
  • Restore range of motion: Your therapist will recommend specific treatments to get your ankle and foot functioning properly again. This may begin with “passive” treatments, in which the physical therapist gently moves your foot and ankle for you, and will progress to “active” treatments that you do yourself as you heal.
  • Flexibility, strength and endurance: Your physical therapist will recommend specific stretches, strength training and endurance exercises to gradually restore your range of motion and strength to the injured area.
  • Balance exercises: Metatarsal fractures can impact your balance, increasing your chances of falling down and further injuring yourself. Your physical therapist will work to help you restore your sense of balance to prevent this.
  • Custom orthotics: Custom orthotics are devices that are individually created to uniquely fit your feet. They resemble insoles but are specifically crafted and made of materials that will last longer than prefabricated orthotics. They are sometimes referred to as prescription glasses for each of your feet. There are generally three types of custom orthotics.

Get started with treatment today!

Physical therapy is considered one of the fastest and safest ways to recover from Metatarsalgia. Contact Tennessee Sports Medicine Group today to schedule your first appointment with a licensed physical therapist!